
Moving and Packing Tips

Moving And Packing Tips

Moving is stressful. Things can and will go wrong. Here are some tips to help you mitigate the stress:

  1. BE POSITIVE. Appreciate the move as a fresh start. Use the move as an opportunity to make changes you want to make. Go clutter free, change your environment, meet new people, break bad habits, make lasting changes to your life. It can be an exciting opportunity with a happy ending. If you wish to read more: The Happy Art of Moving” – how to declutter, pack, and start over while maintaining your sanity and finding happiness!
  2. DECLUTTER. Our lives are cluttered. Physical clutter is distracting, stressful, and slows us down. So take the moving opportunity to declutter your physical space. A cluttered, disorganized physical space contributes to stress and anxiety. Throw or give away old stuff that you don’t use. This is an important start to creating an new environment that can be soothing to your mind. If you really need to keep items, get a storage space with us.
  3. WHAT YOU NEED. Before you start to pack, get rid of unused or unnecessary items. You’ll have less to pack, less to move, and less to unpack—and you’ll start life in your new place with a clean slate. It can be uplifting.
  4. START IN ADVANCE. Start by packing out of season items or items you won’t miss or rarely use. When it gets closer to moving, there will be fewer items for you to pack. If you are using a storage space, then start moving items in as soon as you can, leaving the main move to the removalists. In other words, break the move into different stages.
  5. BOXES. Use the right size box. Use strong boxes. Put heavy items, like books, in small boxes. Place light and bulky items in large boxes. Do not pack heavy items in large boxes as they get too heavy to move. Fill gaps with clothing, towels, or packing paper. Loosely packed or unbalanced boxes are at a greater risk of damage.

We have many more moving and packing tips on our website. If you don’t have enough space for your items when moving, then come and see us at Storage Works Artarmon. We are here to help you to get your stuff into storage so you can get back out there to the things that matter in life.

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